Saturday 27 October 2012

Heartbreak Hotel

Fragglehunter checking out the stairs.
Here is the first page. A visit to an Hotel in deepest
darkest Lancashire. The place closed down several years
ago and has been slowly deteriorating since then.
Fortunately it has escaped the attention of the larger
Urbex community, some of whom on balance are little
better than the pikeys who steal from and smash up
places like this. It still has glass in most windows and
nice features remain. For this reason, I am not revealing
the location.
Gently crumbling away. Somebody must have loved this place.

This was once a rather nice bedroom. Shot with wide angle lens.

Lantern roof above landing. A lesson in the art of fibrous plasterwork.

This place just oozes colour.

Fragglehunter checking the menu.

Wake up to a goblin teasmade!

A tired refugee from Thatcher's Britain. And a Jaguar.

Daimler 4.2, slowly fades away.


  1. Chers Mr G. Got the hand of it now, and lots of catching up to do from the archive!

  2. nice right in keeping this location to yourself m8 some admins on a particular site i know (im an x poster on that site) would steal from there....... keep posting
